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Publications | Google Scholar profile

Please feel free to email Camilla for reprints if your institution does not have access to the linked articles below. Many are open access, and some links are provided to pre-prints. Last updated May 2020.

  1. Whittington C and Friesen C (2020). The evolution and physiology of male pregnancy in syngnathid fishes. Biological Reviews, in press. doi: 10.1111/brv.12607

  2. Foster C, Thompson M, Van Dyke J, Brandley M, Whittington C (2020). Emergence of an evolutionary innovation: Gene expression differences associated with the transition between oviparity and viviparity. Molecular Ecology 29(7): 1315-1327.

  3. Skalkos Z, Van Dyke J, Whittington C (2020). Paternal nutrient provisioning during male pregnancy in the seahorse Hippocampus abdominalis. Journal of Comparative Physiology B. doi: 10.1007/s00360-020-01289-y

  4. Paul J, Kemsley J, Butler T, Tolosa J, Thompson M, Smith R, Whittington C (2020). A comparison of uterine contractile responsiveness to arginine vasopressin in oviparous and viviparous lizards. Journal of Comparative Physiology B, 190(1): 49-62. doi: 10.1007/s00360-019-01254-4 pre-print available here; full-text available here

  5. Buddle A, Otway N, Van Dyke J, Thompson M, Murphy C, Dowland S, Simpfendorfer C, Ellis M, Whittington C (2020). Structural changes to the uterus of the dwarf ornate wobbegong shark (Orectolobus ornatus) during pregnancy. Journal of Morphology, 281:4-5, 428-437

  6. Santori C, Van Dyke J, Whittington C, Thompson M, Spencer R (2020). Smartphone citizen science for turtles: identifying motivations, usage patterns and reasons why citizens stop participating. Australian Zoologist, 40:3, 438-48.

  7. Khan M, Whittington C, Thompson M, Byrne M (2020). Temporal pattern of offspring release and degree of parental investment in two viviparous asterinid sea stars with an overview of matrotrophy and offspring size variation in echinoderms that care for their offspring. Invertebrate Reproduction & Development: 1-13.

  8. Laird M, Thompson M, Whittington C (2019) Facultative oviparity in a viviparous skink (Saiphos equalis). Biology Letters, 15(4): 20180827.

  9. Buddle A, Van Dyke J, Thompson M, Simpfendorfer C, Whittington C (2019) Evolution of placentotrophy: using viviparous sharks as a model to understand vertebrate placental evolution. Marine and Freshwater Research, Full text available here

  10. Bino G, Kingsford R, Archer M, Connolly J, Day J, Dias K, Goldney D, Gongora J, Grant T, Griffiths J,Hawke T, Klamt M, Lunney D, Mijangos L, Munks S, Sherwin W, Serena M, Temple-Smith P, Thomas J, Williams G, (2019) The platypus: evolutionary history, biology, and an uncertain future. Journal of Mammalogy 100 (2): 308-327

  11. Danastas K, Whittington C, Dowland S, Combes V, Murphy C, Lindsay L. (2019) Ovarian hyperstimulation reduces vascular endothelial growth factor A during uterine receptivity. Reproductive Sciences, 26(2): 259-268

  12. Khan M, Whittington C, Thompson M, Byrne M (2019) Intragonadal incubation of progeny in three viviparous asterinid sea stars that differ in offspring provisioning, lecithotrophy vs matrotrophy. Marine Biology 166(6): 81

  13. Khan  M, Whittington C, Thompson M, Byrne M (2019) Arrangement and size variation of intra-gonadal offspring in an asynchronous viviparous asterinid sea star. Zoosymposia, 15: 071–082

  14. Rollings N, Friesen C, Whittington C, Johansson R, Shine R, Olsson M (2019) Sex- and tissue-specific differences in telomere length in a reptile. Ecology and Evolution, 9 (11): 6211-19

  15. Buddle A, Thompson M, Lindsay L, Murphy C, Whittington C, McAllan B (2019) Dynamic changes to claudins in the uterine epithelial cells of the marsupial Sminthopsis crassicaudata (Dasyuridae) during pregnancy. Molecular Reproduction and Development, 86(6): 639-649

  16. Day  J, Gooley R, Hogg C, Belov K, Whittington C, Grueber C (2019) MHC-associated mate choice under competitive conditions in captive versus wild Tasmanian devils. Behavioural Ecology, 30(5) 1196-1204

  17. Whittington C, O’Meally D, Laird M, Belov K, Thompson M, McAllan B (2018) Transcriptomic changes in the pre-implantation uterus highlight histotrophic nutrition of the developing marsupial embryo. Scientific Reports, 8(1): 2412

  18. Johnson R et al. plus 54 coauthors including 9th coauthor (2018) Adaptation and conservation insights from the koala genome. Nature Genetics, 50:1102-11

  19. Buddle A, Van Dyke J, Thompson M, Simpfendorfer C, Whittington C (2018) Evolution of placentotrophy: using viviparous sharks as a model to understand vertebrate placental evolution. Marine and Freshwater Research, (invited review)

  20. Olsson M, Friesen C, Rollings N, Sudyka J, Lindsay W, Wilson M. (2018) Long term effects of superoxide and DNA repair on lizard telomeres. Molecular Ecology, 27: 5154-64

  21. Cornetti L, Griffith O, Benazzo A, Panziera A, Thompson M, Vernesi C, Bertorelle G. (2018) Candidate genes involved in the evolution of viviparity: a RAD sequencing experiment in the lizard (Squamata: Lacertidae). Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 183: 196-207

  22. Whittington C, Danastas K, Grau G, Murphy C, Thompson M. (2017) Expression of VEGF111 and other VEGF-A variants in the rat uterus is correlated with stage of pregnancy. Journal of Comparative Physiology B, 187, 353-360. (doi:10.1007/s00360-016-1040-y)

  23. Rollings N, Uhrig E, Krohmer R, Waye H, Mason R, Olsson M, Whittington C, Friesen C. (2017) Age-related sex differences in body condition and telomere dynamics of red-sided garter snakes. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 284. (doi:10.1098/rspb.2016.2146)
  24. Hendrawan K, Whittington C, Brandley M, Belov K, Thompson M. (2017) The regulation of uterine proinflammatory gene expression during pregnancy in the live-bearing lizard, Pseudemoia entrecasteauxii. Journal of Experimental Zoology B (doi:10.1002/jez.b.22733)

  25. Friesen C, Wilson M, Rollings N, Sudyka J, Whittington C, Giraudeau M, Olsson M. (2017) Conditional handicaps in exuberant lizards: Bright color in aggressive males is correlated with high levels of free radicals. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 5. (doi:10.3389/fevo.2017.00001).

  26. Rollings N,  Friesen C, Sudyka J, Whittington C, Giraudeau M, Wilson M, Olsson M. (2017) Telomere dynamics in a lizard with morph-specific reproductive investment and self-maintenance. Ecology and Evolution (doi:10.1002/ece3.2712)

  27. Whittington C, Belov K (2016). The platypus: a venomous mammal. In: Venom Genomics and Proteomics, Toxinology, Calvete, J. (eds), Springer. DOI: 10.1007/978-94-007-6416-3_3

  28. Griffith O, Brandley M, Whittington C, Belov K, Thompson M. (2016) Comparative genomics of hormonal signaling in the chorioallantoic membrane of oviparous and viviparous amniotes. General and Comparative Endocrinology, doi:10.1016/j.ygcen.2016.04.017

  29. Giraudeau M, Friesen C, Sudyka J, Rollings N, Wilson M, Olsson M. (2016) Ageing and the cost of maintaining coloration in the Australian painted dragon. 12. (doi:10.1098/rsbl.2016.0077).

  30. Whittington C, Griffith W, Qi W, Thompson M, Wilson A. (2015) Seahorse brood pouch transcriptome reveals common genes associated with vertebrate pregnancy. Molecular Biology and Evolution, 32, 3114-3131. (doi:10.1093/molbev/msv177) (pdf available here)

  31. Whittington C, Grau G, Murphy C, Thompson M. (2015) Unusual angiogenic factor plays a role in lizard pregnancy but is not unique to viviparity. Journal of Experimental Zoology B, 324:152-158

  32. Griffith O, Blackburn D, Brandley M, Van Dyke J, Whittington C, Thompson M. (2015) Ancestral state reconstructions require biological evidence to test evolutionary hypotheses: A case study examining the evolution of reproductive mode in squamate reptiles. Journal of Experimental Zoology B, 324:493-503

  33. Whittington C, Belov K (2014). Tracing monotreme venom evolution in the genomics era. Toxins, 6:1260-73. (IF 2.48) Citations: 1

  34. Wilson A, Whittington C, Bahr A (2014). High intralocus variability and interlocus recombination promote immunological diversity at major histocompatibility loci. BMC Evolutionary Biology 14:272

  35. Whittington C, Wilson A. (2013). The role of prolactin in fish reproduction. General and Comparative Endocrinology, 191:123-36. (IF 2.67) Citations: 9

  36. Whittington C, Musolf K, Sommer S, Wilson A. (2013). Behavioural cues of reproductive status in seahorses Hippocampus abdominalis. Journal of Fish Biology, 83:220-6

  37. Wong E, Morgenstern D, Mofiz E, Gombert S, Morris K, Temple-Smith P, Renfree M, Whittington C, King G, Warren W, Papenfuss A, Belov K. (2012) Proteomics and deep sequencing comparison of seasonally active venom glands in the platypus reveals novel venom peptides and distinct expression profiles. Molecular and Cellular Proteomics 11:1354–64

  38. Wong E, Papenfuss A, Whittington C, Warren W, Belov K. (2012) A limited role for gene duplications in the evolution of platypus venom. Molecular Biology and Evolution, 29:167-77

  39. Sommer S, Whittington C, Wilson A. (2012). Standardised classification of pre-release development in male-brooding pipefish, seahorses, and seadragons (Family Syngnathidae). BMC Developmental Biology 12:39

  40. Whittington C, Papenfuss A, Locke D, Mardis E, Wilson R, Abubucker S, Mitreva M, Wong E, Hsu A, Kuchel P, Belov K,  Warren W. (2010) Novel venom gene discovery in the platypus. Genome Biology, 11:R95

  41. Whittington C, Koh J, Warren W, Papenfuss A, Torres A, Kuchel P, Belov K. (2009) Understanding and utilising mammalian venom via a platypus venom transcriptome. Journal of Proteomics, 72:155–64

  42. Whittington C, Sharp J, Papenfuss A, Belov K. (2009) No evidence of expression of two classes of natural antibiotics (cathelicidins and defensins) in a sample of platypus milk. Australian Journal of Zoology, 57:211-17

  43. Whittington C, Belov K. (2009) Platypus venom genes expressed in non-venom tissues. Australian Journal of Zoology, 57:199-202

  44. Wong E, Sanderson C, Deakin J, Whittington C, Papenfuss A, Belov K. (2009) Identification of natural killer cell receptor clusters in the platypus genome reveals an expansion of C-type lectin genes. Immunogenetics, 61:565-79

  45. Yuasa H, Ball H, Ho Y, Austin C, Whittington C, Belov K, Maghzal G, Jermiin L, Hunt N. (2009) Characterization and evolution of vertebrate indoleamine 2, 3-dioxygenases (IDOs) from monotremes and marsupials. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology B 153:137-44

  46. Zhao Y, Cui T, Whittington C, Wei Z, Zhang X, Zhang Z, Yu L, Ren L, Hu X, Zhang Y, Hellman L, Belov K, Li N,  Hammarstrom L. (2009) Ornithorhynchus anatinus (platypus) links evolution of immunoglobulin genes in eutherian mammals and non-mammalian tetrapods. Journal of Immunology, 183:3285-93 (pdf available here)

  47. Whittington C, Papenfuss A, Bansal P, Torres A, Wong E, Deakin J, Graves T, Alsop A, Schatzkamer K, Kremitzki C, Ponting C, Temple-Smith P, Warren W, Kuchel P,  Belov K. (2008) Defensins and the convergent evolution of platypus and reptile venom genes. Genome Research, 18:986-94

  48. Whittington C, Papenfuss A, Kuchel P, Belov K. (2008) Expression patterns of platypus defensin and related venom genes across a range of tissue types reveal the possibility of broader functions for OvDLPs than previously suspected. Toxicon, 52:559-65

  49. Warren W, Hillier L, Graves J, Birney E, Ponting C, Grutzner F, Belov K, Miller W, Clarke L, Chinwalla A, Yang S, Heger A, Locke D, Miethke P, Waters P, Veyrunes F, Fulton L, Fulton B, Graves T, Wallis J, Puente X, Lopez-Otin C, Ordonez G, Eichler E, Chen L, Cheng Z, Deakin J, Alsop A, Thompson K, Kirby P, Papenfuss A, Wakefield M, Olender T, Lancet D, Huttley G, Smit A, Pask A, Temple-Smith P, Batzer M, Walker J, Konkel M, Harris R, Whittington C, Wong E, Gemmell N, Buschiazzo E, Jentzsch I, Merkel A, Schmitz J, Zemann A, Churakov G, Kriegs J, Brosius J, Murchison E, Sachidanandam R, Smith C, Hannon G, Tsend-Ayush E, McMillan D, Attenborough R, Rens W, Ferguson-Smith M, Lefevre C, Sharp J, Nicholas K, Ray D, Kube M, Reinhardt R, Pringle T, Taylor J, Jones R, Nixon B, Dacheux J, Niwa H, Sekita Y, Huang X, Stark A, Kheradpour P, Kellis M, Flicek P, Chen Y, Webber C, Hardison R, Nelson J, Hallsworth-Pepin K, Delehaunty K, Markovic C, Minx P, Feng Y, Kremitzki C, Mitreva M, Glasscock J, Wylie T, Wohldmann P, Thiru P, Nhan M, Pohl C, Smith S, Hou S, Renfree M, Mardis E, Wilson R. (2008) Genome analysis of the platypus reveals unique signatures of evolution. Nature, 453:175-83

  50. Veyrunes F, Waters P, Miethke P, Rens W, McMillan D, Alsop A, Gruzner F, Deakin J, Whittington C, Schatzkamer K, Kremitzki C, Graves T, Ferguson-Smith M, Warren W,  Graves J. (2008) Bird-like sex chromosomes of platypus imply recent origin of mammal sex chromosomes. Genome Research, 18:965-973

  51. Whittington C, Belov K. (2007) Platypus venom: a review. Australian Mammalogy, 29:57-62

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